Here are just some of the advantages of having surveillance and security cameras installed at your home or business:


  • Defend your business against internal and external theft and other security concerns.
  • Monitor business and merchandise processes from any remote location.
  • Detect, prevent and investigate intrusions or other crime.

2. HOME:

  • Remote Access: Allows you to monitor your home from a remote location.
  • Record Video Data: Set your system to record when motion is detected and if a break-in does occur, video footage can be copied from the system and given to law enforcement to assist with the investigation.
  • Detect, prevent and document intrusion or crime.
DVS Technologies offers different security options to protect your home and business.
Contac DVS Technologies to evaluate your home and business security needs.
Security System Capabilities.

Night Vision

Indoor/outdoor night vision security cameras. The cameras provide clear color video during the day light hours and instant night vision video in complete darkness.

Remote Viewing

Remotely view live from just about anywhere on the planet live or r recorded video from any high-speed internet connection or mobile device.

Multiple locations, one screen.

We include a client software package that allows multiple, simultaneous connections. This enables you to monitor multiple surveillance sites at the same time from one location. Our built-in web server ensures that you can connect from any system with any web browser, avoiding the need to install additional software to view your surveillance system.

Other Features:

High Resolution Recording, Pan Tilt Zoom Ready Cameras, Video Recording, Advanced or Easy Date and Time Search, Object Change Detection, Video Clip Editing which allows you to easily export only the footage your need.